The Permanent Press | HappyNest

Laundry, a toddler and a newborn. What to do?

Written by HappyNest | May 2, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Laundry, A Toddler And A Newborn: What To Do?

As a mom to a toddler and newborn, there will be days when you feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the sheer amount of clothes that need to get washed. Besides, having babies in the house means lots of cleaning up and other chores. Well, here’s how you can stay on top of your household’s laundry pile:

Designate a Clean Clothes Basket for Each Kid

Keeping the household laundry organized is difficult if you have a toddler and newborn. However, you can still do it by designating a clean clothes basket for the young ones. Each kid’s clothes should be placed in his/her basket. This will make it easier for you to find everyone’s clothes come cleaning time.

Create a Cleaning Routine

As obvious as this sounds, most moms don’t have a laundry routine. Often, they only have clothes cleaned when the young ones run out of clean clothing or when the dirty clothes basket is overflowing. Creating a laundry routine will save you a lot of time and hassle since it helps you schedule when each kid’s clothing needs to get cleaned.

Schedule Pajama Days

Kids’ dirty clothing can pile up quite fast. To avoid getting overwhelmed, consider having pajama days in your household. There’s no harm in keeping the young ones in their pajamas on some days, especially on those lazy weekends when you don’t have any plans outside the house. Pajamas are comfortable, and they also save you the trouble of dealing with fast-piling dirty garments.

Schedule a Pickup-Up and Delivery Laundry Delivery Service

You can find some reprieve by scheduling pick-up and delivery laundry services offered by laundromats. The dirty garments will be picked at your doorstep, washed, dried, folded, and delivered back to you, ready to store away. This is done at no extra cost, thus saving you time and money.

HappyNest is the leading one-stop-shop for laundry services in New Jersey. The full-service pick-up and delivery laundry service offered by our professionals help you to dedicate more time to your children and other activities that matter more. Contact us for more information about the service.