The Permanent Press | HappyNest

Explainer: laundromats vs wash and fold laundry service

Written by Jeanne - HappyNest | Jul 6, 2021 4:00:00 AM

To many people, laundry is the most boring chore. Furthermore, laundry takes a lot of time and requires expensive equipment. Thus, it doesn’t come as a surprise that most families and businesses either wash their garments at public laundromats, or hire a wash and fold laundry service.

If you’ve been washing your laundry at home or business premises and you want to either start using laundromats or laundry service, distinguishing between the two can be quite a challenge. How do you tell a laundromat from a wash and fold laundry service? Well, here's an in-depth comparison of the two:


These laundry facilities are often located in residential buildings or other public places. Typically, laundromats are open to the public. They are either coin-operated or you can leverage a subscription plan to do your laundry. When you choose to wash your garments at a laundromat, you’ll have to haul your laundry bags to and from the facility.

Likewise, there's no escaping laundry since you’ll do the job yourself. Laundromats offer you the convenience of doing laundry without investing in expensive washing machines and tumble dryers for your home. On the flip side, however, doing laundry at a laundromat - no matter how awesome- is not much different from doing your laundry at home (if you have the required washer and dryer!). Besides, you’re never too sure that your items will get thoroughly washed because you’ll be doing the job yourself, yet you’re not a laundry expert.

Home and Commercial Laundry Service

Those who prefer not to do their laundry or make the potentially stressful trip to the laundromat often opt for a wash and fold laundry service. As the name suggests, your clothes will be washed, folded, or placed on hangers for you. You’ll never do any laundry-related task, except storing your items when they get delivered to you.

The beauty of hiring a full-service laundry company is that your items will be picked from your home or workplace for washing before being delivered at a time and place convenient to you. There are no extra charges for the laundry pickup and delivery service. Furthermore, your items will be washed by experts, which guarantees a thorough cleaning job.

Why do your laundry when experts can do a better job? There's a better and more convenient way to do laundry. Thanks to drop-off laundry services, you’ll never have piles of dirty clothes at your home, or go through the nightmare of washing them. Schedule a laundry pickup and delivery service with HappyNest today to get started.